Student Supporter

Student membership is for pharmacy and pharmacy technician students (or equivalent) enrolled in a first professional degree or diploma program.  
Membership expires on June 30 

FREE membership for the Class of 2028 (MUN 2029)! 
Afterwards, Students pay an annual fee of $65 plus tax
NL members pay an additional $5 branch fee

Join today  Renew your membership



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2023-2025 Student Delegate


Jacqueline is a pharmacy student at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

She possesses experience working in community pharmacies, hospitals, research, and government, specifically in policy development and drug submission review, and has also upheld leadership positions committed to advancing the profession.

Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to excellence, she aspires to contribute to the growth of future pharmacy professionals, imparting the knowledge and skills necessary for delivering optimal patient care. 

Interested getting involved with CSHP at your school? 

Contact Jacqueline!

Before you apply

Only first-year students in the Class of 2028 (MUN 2029) can apply for complimentary CSHP membership.
Students in their second, third, fourth, and fifth year of pharmacy school are required to pay dues. 

Verification of enrollment
All students must upload their verification of enrollment when applying for student membership.

For students working toward an entry-to-practice degree or diploma 
If you are a Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician who is pursuing additional certification (credentials, qualifications, and designations), apply for an "In-Training" membership here.

Pro-rating of student fees
Student fees will be pro-rated between November 1 and April 30. If you are a new applicant, or if your membership has lapsed for at least 18-months, you may qualify.
Discounts will be automatically applied to new applications, but returning members should contact Membership Services prior to renewing to obtain their discount.

Territory and International applications
Residents of Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and international citizens can join any Branch, upon payment of applicable branch fee.

Student Supporter Application Form