2024 Student update: Hospital Pharmacy Student Award winner and CAPSI-CSHP joint officers meeting
January 30, 2024
Hospital Pharmacy Student Award winner
Earlier this month at CAPSI’s Professional Development Week Conference in Toronto, ON, CSHP CPO, Rita Dhami alongside CAPSI President, Madison Wong presented the Hospital Pharmacy Student Award to the 2023-24 winner, Emma Fedusiak.
Emma, a pharmacy student at the University of Saskatchewan is acknowledged for her compassionate approach to patient care, research, and education. She has developed essential skills through various work placements in organized healthcare settings including the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
Specifically, she steps outside of her comfort zone repeatedly to learn from diverse perspectives of clinicians and practice areas. One area that she has taken a specific interest in is opioid stewardship. She has educated patients on their prescription opioids, tested tools that seek to flag those at risk of opioid overdose, and has created resources for multiple wards across Regina hospitals to help alleviate stigma around opioid usage. According to Emma, “stewardship showed me how research advances knowledge and improves patient care.”
She is also a keen leader in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility services at USask and in her broader community. This work has varied from being an Access and Equity Note Taker for multiple classes to connecting with new immigrants about pharmacy in Canada.
Emma is a proud pharmacy advocate through CAPSI, having served on the national and local levels throughout her undergraduate career, in addition to her CSHP Saskatchewan Branch activities!
Congratulations Emma – CSHP cannot wait to see what is next for you.
On January 9, CAPSI and CSHP held a joint officer meeting with CAPSI delegates, CSHP President Ashley Walus, and CSHP staff on the call. It is always a pleasure to engage in discussions with CAPSI on pharmacy student supports and programs. Some topics covered were student membership, making residency more accessible and equitable for all students, tweaks to the CAPSI-CSHP Evidence-Based Practice Competition, and CSHP’s involvement in Professional Development Week 2025 which will be taking place in Halifax, NS.
Career insight webinar - We have chairs!
On January 23, Lorie Carter, President of the CSHP NL Branch, led a webinar for students and anyone interested in pursuing a career as a hospital pharmacist. The webinar highlighted the vital role hospital pharmacists play in patient care and provided information about how to get started in this field.
Throughout the webinar, she delved into patient cases, shedding light on the fulfilling aspects of the profession, and providing guidance for those interested in pursuing a career in hospital pharmacy.
Watch this free and open-access webinar here.