
About the National Awards Program


National award submissions will be accepted from August to October 31. Click the links below to learn more about each award and how to nominate yourself or someone else.

Given the climate emergency and the rise in extreme weather events and their consequent health impacts, Excellence in Pharmacy Practice submissions related to climate change may be given special consideration. Canada has signed-on to the World Health Organization COP26 Health Programme   with two commitments: building climate resilient health systems and developing low carbon sustainable health systems. There is expected to be a greater movement in the coming years as extreme weather events become more common, and there will be an expectation for health systems to meet these commitments. 

Looking for a branch award? Branch awards are offered throughout the year. Check your branch website for available awards and submission deadlines.

Questions about applying for an award or serving as an award appraiser? Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

This award is the Society’s highest honour and is given in recognition of outstanding achievement in hospital pharmacy practice, primarily in Canada, to a Member of CSHP, who has held membership (including student membership) for a minimum of 15 cumulative years and who has been practicing as a pharmacist for a minimum of 20 cumulative years. It is awarded for significant ongoing contributions to hospital pharmacy practice and to CSHP primarily at the national level but also at the branch level (including A.P.E.S.). Individuals are nominated by their peers.

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This award recognizes an individual or team that has worked effectively across disciplines or boundaries to improve pharmacy practice or patient care. This award is open to current Pharmacists or Pharmacy Graduates, Pharmacy Technicians, Individual Supporters, and Students who have held CSHP membership for at least 12 consecutive months at the time of the award nomination. For a submission to be considered, the individual nominee or at least one team member must meet eligibility requirements.

The same individual or team can be nominated for all three Awards of Excellence, but a separate submission is required for each award.

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This award is granted to an individual or team that has successfully guided a group of pharmacy professionals to a higher, sustained level of performance. This award recognizes an individual or team that has demonstrated outstanding performance in improving patient specific outcomes through their practice. This award is open to current Pharmacists or Pharmacy Graduates, Pharmacy Technicians, Individual Supporters, and Students who have held CSHP membership for at least 12 consecutive months at the time of the award nomination. For a submission to be considered, the individual nominee or at least one team member must meet eligibility requirements.

The same individual or team can be nominated for all three Awards of Excellence, but a separate submission is required for each award.

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This award recognizes an individual or team that has demonstrated outstanding performance in improving patient specific outcomes through their practice. This award is open to current Pharmacists or Pharmacy Graduates, Pharmacy Technicians, Individual Supporters, and Students who have held CSHP membership for at least 12 consecutive months at the time of the award nomination. For a submission to be considered, the individual nominee or at least one team member must meet eligibility requirements.

The same individual or team can be nominated for all three Awards of Excellence, but a separate submission is required for each award.

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This award is presented to an undergraduate pharmacy student who exhibits the traits of a future hospital pharmacy practitioner through participation in the education of healthcare practitioners, the public or patients, and/or through voluntary participation in CSHP activities. Candidates exhibit eagerness, dedication, and a positive attitude toward academic learning and the profession and practice of hospital pharmacy.

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6. Year 2 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Residency Award

This award is presented to a graduate from a Year 2 residency program whose major project is judged to be most deserving in terms of significant innovation, practical application, and/or development in pharmacy practice. 

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More about the awards program

The goal of the Awards Program is to improve patient outcomes by promoting excellence in the practice of pharmacy throughout hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings. Awards are presented to members in recognition of professional dedication and commitment to the profession and the patient.

Awards are available, under the following terms of reference, to Pharmacists or Pharmacy Graduates, Pharmacy Technicians, Individual Supporters, and Students.

CSHP awards are presented in recognition of achievements in the field of pharmacy practice in in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings and acknowledge these indicators of excellence.

  • Significant innovations and developments in the field of Canadian pharmacy practice in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings
  • Implementation of a pharmacy program that makes a significant contribution to practice or to patient care in the member's institution
  • Research that contributes to the advancement of patient care, pharmacotherapy, or pharmacy practice
  • Outstanding achievement in pharmacy practice in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings

Awards are offered at both the national and branch levels.

National award submissions will be accepted from August to October 31. Branch awards are offered throughout the year. Check your branch website  for available awards and submission deadlines.

National Award Winners

Inquiries should be directed to:

Robyn Rockwell, Membership & Awards Administrator
Direct: (613) 909-9964