1. Can I submit the same project to both the branch and national award programs?

Yes. The Awards Committee encourages submissions to both programs in the same year. Even if you have already applied for a branch award, consider submitting your project for national recognition as well.

2. Do I have to be experienced in research to submit a project?

Formal research experience is not required to submit a project. Have you implemented and/or evaluated a program to improve patient care? Have you undertaken any project that may enhance the practice of pharmacy in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings? If so, please submit it for consideration.

3. If I volunteer as an appraiser, what happens if I am unable to provide an objective review because of the identity of the applicant(s) or source of the project?

Appraisers are asked to contact the Membership & Awards Administrator, who will send the submission to another appraiser.

4. Can I volunteer as an appraiser if I am also applying for an award?

Yes. In this situation, the Awards Committee will not assign any project to you for appraisal in the same category in which you submit.

5. How are the winning projects selected?

The committee reviews all submissions for quality and adherence to award criteria prior to appraisal. Only high-quality projects pass the initial review stage to be appraised for award. Next, each submission is sent to several appraisers, who are asked to evaluate the project against the following criteria by assigning a numeric value to each: 

  • relevance to award criteria
  • originality and innovation
  • demonstration of excellence
  • usefulness to healthcare providers, pharmacy practice or patients
  • applicability
  • quality of the written report

In the case of the Leadership award, evidence-based practice, rather than scientific rigour, will be key to scoring these submissions. The numeric totals from the appraisers are averaged. Within each award category, the project with the highest average rating is considered for award. 

6. If I submit a project, will I receive feedback from the appraisers assigned to review my project?

No. The appraisers do not perform a full critique of the project (as would be the case for a journal article submission). Any comments that are supplied are directed solely to the Awards Committee for the purpose of scoring and ranking the award submissions. Furthermore, providing a peer-review mechanism is outside of the scope of the Awards Program. If you wish to receive feedback on your project, please consider submitting a manuscript for publication in the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (CJHP).

7. If I serve as an appraiser, will I receive feedback on my appraisals?

No. The Awards Committee does not perform a full critique of the appraisals and hence cannot and will not comment on their quality.

8. If my project wins, how will my team be recognized?

Team members who meet eligibility criteria will be recognized at CSHP's national conference and receive a personalized framed certificate. They will also be recognized in the ceremony program, Interactions newsletter, and on cshp.ca. Award-winning abstracts will be published in the CJHP.

9. What are this year’s submission deadlines?

Please visit the awards home page for details.

10. Who can appraise projects?

Appraisers must be current CSHP members who hold a professional degree in pharmacy and who have been practicing in a hospital or other collaborative healthcare setting for at least five years. Appraisers will also be asked to self-declare any areas of expertise.

11. If I volunteer to be an appraiser, how much time will I be asked to commit?

You will be given a maximum of three submissions to review. It is estimated that each appraisal will take approximately one hour.

12. If I serve as an appraiser, will I be asked to review a project that is outside my area of expertise?

The Awards Committee makes every effort to match projects to an appraiser's area of expertise (as indicated by appraisers when they initially volunteer). If appraisers with expertise in the specific topic area of a submission are not available, you may receive a submission for appraisal that is outside your area of expertise. If you do not think you can adequately review the submission, please contact the Membership & Awards Administrator.

13. How can I register to serve as an appraiser?

We hope you will consider volunteering! Start by reading our Call for Appraisers. Then, email the Membership & Awards Administrator indicating your areas of expertise and the language(s) in which you can review. You must be available during the appraisal period. If you have further questions, contact the Membership & Awards Administrator.