Pharmacy Specialty Networks


Joining a PSN

CSHP members and individual supporters may join as many Pharmacy Specialty Networks (PSN) as they want. Joining a PSN is easy:

  • Go to
  • Register - you only have to do this the first time you visit the QID page. Please make sure that you register with the same email address that is associated with your CSHP membership profile
  • Log in on the QID page
  • Join whichever PSN(s) communities you would like
  • Talk - start a conversation with your colleagues from across the country

Watch these tutorials in order to help you:

  • Register with QID for the first time (quick, silent tutorial)
  • Understand the QID platform (this short, 5-minute video will provide you with an overview of what you can expect from QID)

Full list of PSNs

PSN Chairperson(s) Statement of Purpose
Anticoagulation Celia Culley Since anticoagulants are ubiquitous in clinical practice, the Anticoagulation PSN is a group of pharmacists in a wide range of practice settings, from primary care to internal medicine, cardiology, and critical care. With frequently published new information and questions arising surrounding the Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs), warfarin and other anticoagulants and antithrombotics, the Anticoagulation PSN is a great forum for discussions where pharmacists can share how they are incorporating new evidence, approaching clinical controversies in this area and challenging patient cases.
Cardiology   Cardiology PSN welcomes all CSHP members with an interest in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy to discuss, share and network. It is also a forum to disseminate resources with regards to cardiovascular pharmacy clinical practice, education and research.
Cannabis Régis Vaillancourt The purpose of the Cannabis PSN is to connect and support pharmacists providing care for the diverse group of patients who use cannabis. Pharmacists care for patients who use cannabis for many different indications, across a variety of medical specialties. This PSN supports pharmacists to assess the appropriateness of the patients' cannabis use, manage their cannabis, while admitted to hospital, and provide necessary education about cannabis upon discharge. Resources can also be shared to provide needed information for hospital pharmacy administrators as they develop or update cannabis policies for their institutions.
Clinical Practice Leaders Rumi McGloin

Adrianne Shippam
The Clinical Practice Leaders PSN provides a platform to discuss topics which are related to overall pharmacists’ practice which may include (but is certainly not limited to): pharmacists’ scope of practice within hospital, practice standards, gathering KPI data and policies and procedures related to practice.
Compounding Vivian KT Lee

Dana Lyons
The Compounding PSN invites discussions on sterile, non-sterile, hazardous and non-hazardous compounding. These include topics such as compounding formulations, beyond-use dating, drug-drug and drug-material stability and compatibility, sterility testing, primary and secondary engineering controls, air and surface microbial sampling and speciation, compounding technique, garbing technique, cleaning technique, volumetric and gravimetric compounding, material disinfection and handling, gloved fingertip sampling, media fill testing, quality assurance, IV workflow management systems, compounding-related drug information resources, and any other issues that arise with interpreting and implementing NAPRA compounding/USP 797/795/800 standards. As compounding is a cross-disciplinary specialty, we invite discussions and resource-sharing from all pharmacy professionals including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

In an effort to share information and best hospital pharmacy practices regarding COVID-19, the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists has set-up a special open access PSN. Updates, information, and questions are being posted as the situation with COVID-19 evolves.

Register now to join the COVID-19
PSN here:

Already registered for QID? Access the COVID-19
PSN here:

Critical Care Cheyanne Boehm

Jerrold Perrott
The Critical Care PSN connects new and experienced CSHP members with an active practice or interest in Critical Care Medicine. Its primary purpose is to promote and enhance networking as well as encourage communication and collaboration amongst PSN members. Despite being a specialty, Critical Care encompasses a broad scope of practice for adult and pediatric patients alike, including subspecialties in surgery, medicine, neurology and others. The PSN is a great forum to ask questions and share experiences, information, evidence, and policy and procedure in all realms of Critical Care medicine.
Drug Information Marjorie Friesen  The primary purpose of the CSHP’s Drug Information PSN is to promote and enhance networking and communication among pharmacists interested in drug information. Our PSN covers a very broad scope of hospital pharmacy practice related to the provision of current, accurate and reliable drug information to healthcare professionals. Our practice includes responding to patient specific drug-related questions as well as responding to more general drug information requests related to the provision of drug formulary reviews, drug therapy topic reviews, and drug-related policies and procedures. Knowledge of drug information resources and a systematic approach to answering drug-related questions is at the heart of our specialty. The Drug Information PSN welcomes all CHSP members with an interest in drug-related controversies and questions.
Drug Shortages Dawn Jennings

Margo Derksen
The Drug Shortages PSN is a platform for pharmacy staff who are managing drug shortages in their institutions to seek input from peers facing the same challenges. This may include discussing therapeutic alternatives, preservation strategies, and obtaining SAP products.
Drug Use Evaluation Rebecca Campbell  The primary purpose of the Drug Use Evaluation PSN is to provide a network and a platform for discussion and sharing of ideas for pharmacists involved in DUE as part of or their entire role. It is not limited to DUE, but also encompasses formulary management discussions, appropriate use of medications, order sets, and medication policies.
Emergency Medicine Liam Walsh The Emergency Medicine PSN connects CSHP members with an an interest in Emergency Medicine. This includes those with an active practice or without. Since Emergency Medicine encompasses a truly broad scope, many other subjects are discussed as well (Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Community Medicine,etc.). PSN members share experiences, interesting cases, and strategies for dealing with challenges that involve the practice of Pharmacy in the Emergence Department.
Geriatrics Grazia Prochazka 
Global Health John Wiernikowski
Indigenous Health Jaris Swidrovich  To connect CSHP members (pharmacists) and supporters (e.g., student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians) across Canada and beyond who share an interest in Indigenous Health. Helpful tips, resources, and timely conversations are shared among the members of this PSN, as well as connections being made for potential research avenues.
Infectious Diseases Anna Lee The purpose of the ID PSN is to provide a forum for pharmacists across Canada who are interested in or specializing in Infectious Diseases pharmacotherapy to network, discuss, collaborate and share information.
Internal Medicine Linda Ou

Caitlin Coons
As Internal Medicine encompasses such a broad range of clinical topics, the Internal Medicine PSN welcomes all CSHP members regardless of specialty and experience. Areas of discussion are vast and include many subjects not covered by other PSNs such as COPD, diabetes, nephrology, gastroenterology, dermatology, and rheumatology. It is a forum to discuss ideas, questions, new and important evidence, as well as policy and procedure in this diverse practice area.
Medication Distribution Dana Lyons The Medication Distribution PSN discusses best practices related to medication distribution functions. Pharmacy technicians and pharmacists share practice resources related to medication distribution, and connect with each other to share ideas on how the scope of a pharmacy technician is influencing medication distribution being utilized to its fullest potential. Practice areas such as final medication checking, repackaging practices and handling drugs that are on the NIOSH list as hazards are all areas of interest and discussion for this PSN.
Medication Safety Janice Munroe  The Medication Safety PSN assists pharmacists by confirming the changes that are needed to ensure safe practice and therefore safe patient care. Through online dialogue, safety focused pharmacists share their experiences in addressing the change management of impacted staff. They share the broader viewpoint of ALL impacted parties eg physicians, patients and nurses in addition to the impact on the pharmacy environment. As the accreditation standards shift their focus towards patient centered safe care, the Medication Safety PSN supports Canadian pharmacists as they review their current practices, compare their practices to the accreditation standards and identify any gaps that may need to be addressed. The members of the Medication Safety PSN freely share their knowledge, skills and experiences to advance patient safety across Canada.
Neurosciences Linda Methot 
Oncology Amy Smith  The Oncology PSN is for discussing pharmacy cancer care. Regardless of your level of knowledge or the extent you work with people with cancer, you are welcome to join the Oncology PSN. As cancer care continuously evolves, there are always new clinical questions. Come post and connect with your colleagues working in a variety of cancer care areas across the country.
Pediatrics Roxane Carr  The Pediatrics PSN connects pharmacists working with pediatric and neonatal populations and provides a forum to discuss and share information regarding pharmacotherapy, medication safety and other issues pertaining to providing care to the pediatric and neonatal populations.
Palliative Care  

The Palliative Care PSN connects and acts as a forum for all pharmacists regardless of specialty, with Palliative Care and End of Life issues encountered in our broad scope of clinical practice.

Practice issues may include for example: Palliative Sedation, Pain management (Opioid and Non Opioid analgesia, Methadone), Deprescribing of medications, Delirium/ Agitation, Respiratory symptoms/ Distress, Bowel care, Wound care, Innovative routes of administration, Treatment of Bleeding, Ascites, Hypercalcemia. As well, the presence/ provision of MAID adding to the complexity of care for self and colleagues. This is a forum to share ideas, questions, evidence related to Palliative and End of Life Care.

Parenteral Services Theresa Hurley 

The Parenteral PSN is a forum to network, discuss and share information on a wide variety of issues related to aseptic services and parenteral drug administration.

The scope of topics can be broken down into five (5) broad categories:

  • Drug specific questions
  • Policy/Standard Operating Procedures/Standards of Practice/Equipment to Support
  • Sterile Compounding / Formulas
  • Smart pumps
  • Parenteral nutrition
Perinatal Medicine  Hilary Rowe Initiated to disseminate medication efficacy and safety information and to promote relevant resources to hospital pharmacists caring for people in pregnancy and lactation. This network supports and maintains communication amongst Perinatal Medicine pharmacists across the country to optimize medication use in pregnancy and lactation.
Perioperative (formerly Surgery) Eric Romeril To act as a forum for discussion and continuing education for members practicing in perioperative settings. This will include the care of preoperative, intraoperative (Anesthesia & Surgery), postoperative and/or procedural patient populations as well as associated policy and medication system issues.
Pharmacy Informatics Gunther Ha  The Pharmacy Informatics PSN serves as a forum for individuals to discuss issues or problems related to pharmacy informatics.
Primary Care (Open to members of CSHP or CPhA)   The goal of the Primary Care PSN is to promote and support optimization of the role of pharmacists in the primary care setting. The PSN shares practice-based resources, provides a forum for posing clinical questions and eliciting case feedback, and discusses how to advocate for the role and practice development of pharmacists in the primary care setting.
Psychiatry Virginia Fernandes  The primary purpose of the Psychiatry PSN is to promote and enhance networking and communication among pharmacists interested in Psychiatry and Addictions Medicine. Our PSN discussions cover a wide range of clinical issues, from general queries to giving suggestions for individual cases from the evidence base as well as clinical experience. For example, there have been posts regarding the switching of medications. We also welcome requests related to the provision of drug formulary reviews, drug therapy topic reviews, and drug-related policies and procedures. The Psychiatry PSN welcomes all CHSP members with an interest in psychiatry and addictions medicine, from pharmacists new to these therapeutic areas through to experts in the field.
Small Hospitals Andrew Wagner The purpose of the small hospitals PSN is to link together pharmacists working in small hospitals, in order to share learnings and discuss issues that are common to these practice sites. Since there are often only 1 or 2 pharmacists working in a small hospital, the opportunities for networking are limited within the practice sites. The PSN provides a forum by which pharmacists can gain additional knowledge or information to help them meet best practice recommendations at their sites.
Transplant Heather Naylor 
  1. To promote practice excellence and the enhancement of patient-centred pharmacy practice through information sharing, educational events, and the facilitation of research for pharmacists who are interested in the area of transplant pharmacy practice (solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant).

  2. To facilitate networking and communication among individuals from across the country who are interested in the areas of transplant pharmacy practice, education, research, and/or management.

  3. To develop and/or disseminate information and resources relevant to transplant pharmacy practice.

  4. To liaise with other PSNs as necessary for pan-PSN issues.

  5. To serve as a resource to the CSHP Board and its Executive Committee for input and feedback on professional issues or to assist in drafting publications pertaining to transplantation.