Requests are made regularly to survey CSHP membership through PSNs. Surveys may be conducted for the following purposes:
- A direct function of CSHP, the PSN or a partnering organization of the PSN (e.g., CPhA)
- Examples:
- CSHP may seek input into the development of an Official Publication or the PSN Chair may assess how well a PSN is working and which goals to address
- Research or publications
- To solicit responses to surveys of current practice
- To gain knowledge about evidence or literature specifically related to a PSN member’s practice area
When submitting a request to conduct a survey in a PSN (or multiple PSNs), please submit the following information to the Professional Practice Team.
- Which PSN(s) you would like to survey: each survey can be posted to a maximum of 5 PSNs. If the survey is more general in nature, please contact the Professional Practice Team so the survey can be posted in an upcoming issue of Interactions.
- Purpose of the survey
- Whether the survey is approved by a research and ethics board
- Who is collecting the information (name of individual and institution)
- Deadline for completing the survey
After approval has been granted, a message from the person (or group) conducting the survey will be posted along with the link to the survey. (The persons conducting the survey may post the message themselves if they are a member of all of the groups that are to receive the notice. If this is not the case, the Professional Practice Team will post the notice).
The post should include the following messages:
- An estimate of the time required to complete the survey
- A statement to clarify that PSN members should never feel obliged to respond to such request
- The purpose of the survey
- Whether the survey is approved by a research and ethics board
- The deadline to complete the survey (including date and time zone)
- If the survey is designed to collect specific personal information, the message in the post and survey should remind the PSN members that by replying to the survey the respondent consents to the sharing of this information
- Only 1 follow-up reminder can be posted
Note: PSNs should never be used to conduct surveys that would expressly benefit the member or his/her organization financially.
All requests to solicit PSN members for research purposes must be received by the PSN Chair and the The PSN should never be used to conduct research that will benefit the member or his/her organization financially.
The e-mail message should include a message/request from the principal investigator introducing the research as well as a reminder that CSHP members should never feel obliged to respond to such requests.
If the research includes a survey, please refer to the Surveys section above.